
Go to Greg: Dressing for work success

My new boss wears ties. I never wear them, but should I start?

It depends. Will it end at the ties — or will you start wearing the same labels, too? Don’t forget the watch and shoes — people notice shoes. I remember a new senior executive who only wore black turtlenecks, and within a month there was a run on black turtlenecks — Bloomingdale’s couldn’t keep them in stock. The office looked like a Steve Jobs look-alike competition. It’s about individuality — not going with the crowd. That said, make sure your personal style doesn’t conflict with the workplace dress code — or your boss’ expectations for how the staff should dress. Another executive I know always kidded me when I didn’t wear a tie — and always commented when I did. There’s truth in jest. Use your judgment, but don’t start shopping where your boss does . . . unless you want one of your colleagues to write me about a certain someone who is an embarrassingly transparent suck-up.

I’ve been approached by a prospective employer for a big job that I would love — but I’m not sure I’m qualified for it. (They think I am.) Is it better to decline instead of risk being discovered that I’m not qualified?

Indeed, you may not be qualified for the role. Or you may suffer from the common career malady in which you go through a bout of self-doubt — the fear that maybe you’re a fraud and eventually you’ll be found out. Listen up. Unless you’ve grossly exaggerated your background on LinkedIn or wherever — which some people do, unfortunately — it’s not like you are an ace advertising copywriter, and the new employer is asking you to write software code for a tech company. They’ve seen or heard something about you that is appealing to them — and you should go for it. Career advancement often involves taking on stretch roles, applying what you have done and do know to figure out what you don’t know or haven’t done. They called you, so see what they have to say. Represent yourself accurately — but with confidence that you are ready, willing and able to take on more if the role is bigger than your current one.