
Carriage scam

Maybe the pedicabs will find themselves without customers as people wise up and their money is gone (“Sleazy Pedicabs Use Horse-Carriage Ruse To Lure Tourists,” Aug. 21).

In the meantime, what City Councilman Dan Garodnick — based on his comments at a meeting with Teamsters in 2011 — and all councilmen and women like him don’t understand is that this damages New York City’s image: Come to NYC so you can be swindled in the streets.

There are token regulations under which the pedicab industry is supposed to be operating, yet it is not.

Who would even want a pedicab ride when you can take a beautiful horse-drawn carriage instead? The horse-drawn carriage drivers are so personable and dignified and know so much about the history of NYC.

C. Bernhardt, Manhattan

Dynamic ‘Ducks’

God bless Duck Dynasty (“Why ‘Duck’ Fits the Bill,” Kate Storey, PostScript, Aug. 18).

In what many would consider the lowest point in this nation’s history, there is a shining light.

Americans have made a stand with their remote controls and voted the Robertsons our “royal” family.

Their wholesomeness, faith, good will and humor are on display every show. There is hope for us yet. Carry on, duck boys.

Bill Shook, Hampton, NH

GOP for Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher gives a prepared speech about hard work and some Republicans go all ga-ga about it (“Right Hails Lefty,” Aug. 22).

Kutcher uses the word “job” numerous times in the speech. Now, what is the name of his new movie?

Oprah Winfrey claimed to be a recent victim of racism. What is her new movie about?

One would be a coincidence, but two is a pattern. The mainstream media always portray conservatives as fools. It doesn’t help to be played by them.

Andy Romanic, Freeport

Bogus bag tax

Now the city wants to put a 10-cent fee on bags (“City Council To Vote on Bill To Charge Shoppers a 10-Cent Fee for Disposable Bags,” Aug. 21)?

Just another reason to shop in New Jersey.

They just don’t get it, do they? The more taxes and fees, the less money is spent here.

Robert K. Greco, Staten Island

Making the grade

The Post is quite right that effective teachers in the classroom create excellent student performance (“Grading Teacher Colleges,” Editorial, Aug. 18).

The number of St. John’s graduates rated as “effective” was at the top of the New York City colleges involved in the citywide study, as was the retention of our grads in the schools.

However, not satisfied with being first, we are continually strengthening our partnerships with the schools to meet the more rigorous standards required of us by the state and city.

Jerrold Ross, Dean, The School of Education, St. John’s University, Queens

Star treatment

It’s not surprising to see entertainment celebrities rally to President Obama’s side as he tries to sell his ObamaCare snake oil. They’re as phony and out-of-touch as he is (“Star Struck,” Tevi Troy, PostScript, Aug. 18).

Peter Skurkiss, Stow, Ohio