
Dater loses the ‘Match’

First, he couldn’t ride out the rejection. Now, he can’t handle the humiliation.

The Brooklyn man who filed a $5 million class-action suit against over his unanswered e-mails has quit the case due to “the amount of ridicule” he had to endure from “sensationalized media coverage.”

In a Manhattan federal court filing, Sean McGinn’s lawyer said the 37-year-old TV producer was “mocked as ‘lovelorn’ ” and “subjected to hundreds of reader comments” on the Web.

A Post report that McGinn had actually found a girlfriend on “caused no end of personal distress for Sean and incited a firestorm of rancorous Web commentary that Sean found literally unbearable,” lawyer Norah Hart wrote.

Lawyers for didn’t return calls yesterday, but the Dallas-based company recently filed papers seeking dismissal of the case on grounds that its user agreement specifies that any disputes involving use of the online dating site be handled in Texas.