
Car 54, get here faster

Time is not on the side of Big Apple residents calling 911 to report crimes.

Police response times have increased every year since 2007 — and it now takes an average of 8.4 minutes for officers to respond to reports of crimes in progress, city stats show.

That’s 90 seconds longer than it took cops to get to a crime scene in 2007.

In 2008, it took 7.1 minutes for a cop to arrive at a reported crime scene, and that slightly increased to 7.2 minutes in 2009 and 7.3 minutes in 2010.

But the NYPD has defended its fleet-footed team, saying response times have been bloated by slower responses to non-emergencies.

“The bulk of the increase in response times was for ‘noncritical’ jobs such as graffiti,” said Deputy Inspector Kim Royster.

Crime rates are still dropping and remain at historic lows.

Through May 1, the number of reported crimes was down 2.3 percent in 2011 from the same period in 2010.