
Food stamped

President Obama had some truly scary news for Americans this week: He said he’d give himself a grade of “incomplete” for his handling of the economy.

Uh-oh: What could that mean?

After all, he gave himself the grade just as the government was reporting that the number of folks on food stamps set another record in June, with 46.7 million — more than one in seven — getting aid. The number’s climbed steadily since Obama took office, back when it was 31.6 million.

Indeed, the size of America’s food-stamp population has shattered records repeatedly under Obama. As have the program’s costs — $76 billion last year, more than double what they were four years ago.

So when Obama says his work is “incomplete,” it sends shivers down the spine: Just what’s his idea of “complete” — getting every last American on food stamps?

For the moment, the other 267 million eaters in this country still get their food the old-fashioned way: They pay for it with their own money.

So, yes, if Obama hopes to to be — as Newt Gingrich put it — “the best food-stamp president in American history,” his work remains undone.

But for those who think a nation of dependents is not exactly something to strive for, well — they should just hope Obama never gets to finish that “incomplete.”