
‘McPimp’ gets 8 years after stabbing security guard

Would you like a hooker with that?

A career con artist who worked as a phony McPimp — scamming drunken customers at an Eighth Avenue McDonalds out of hundreds of dollars a pop by promising to get them hookers — is going to prison for eight years after stabbing a security guard who kicked him out of the burger joint last year.

Anthony Jones, 52, of Brooklyn, would take his tipsy victims’ money and then hand them a business card for a nearby strip club, prosecutors said. By the time the victims discovered there was to be no grown-up, off-premises Happy Meal, and returned to the McDonalds to complain, Jones would be long gone.

So many customers complained, that Jones was banned from the restaurant. On May 6, 2011, a security guard told Jones to leave, and Jones struck him with his cane and hobbled away. When the security guard started chasing him down Eighth Avenue, Jones knocked him down and stabbed him twice in the leg, Manhattan prosecutors said.

Jones has a history of 40 convictions stretching back to the early ’80s, including larceny, assault, drug sales and “fraudulent accosting,” or street conning. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance credited his office’s Crime Strategies Unit with immediately targeting Jones as a priority repeat offender.