
Chill factor

Most popular songs

1. Gangnam Style, PSY

2. Red, Taylor Swift

3. Live While We’re Young, One Direction

4. Skyfall, Adele

5. One More Night, Maroon 5

6. We Are Never …,Taylor Swift

7. Die Young, Kesha

8. Some Nights, fun.

9. Diamond, Rihanna

10. Whistle, Flo Rida


Tivo favorites

1. The Big Bang Theory

2. Modern Family, Schooled

3. Modern Family, Snip

4. 60 Minutes


Top video downloads

1. How much does a shadow weigh?

2. Gillard labels Abbott a misogynist

3. What if the presidential election is tied?

4. Ohio State marching band

5. VP debate highlights

Source: YouTube

Google trends

1. Redbull Stratos

2. The Walking Dead

3. Amanda Todd

4. Silva UFC

5. Detroit

Searches that have increased significantly

NY Post hot topics

1. Loss of Derek Jeter

2. Christina Applegate SNL

3. Arlen Specter

4. Youth baseball mad-dad

5. Obama to fight in second debate