US News

Pols giving him an opti-mauling

President Obama’s Benghazi gaffe continued to haunt him yesterday.

Local lawmakers hammered him over his Thursday “Daily Show” appearance, in which he called the murder of Americans at the US Consulate “not optimal.”

“It’s disgraceful,” said Rep. Peter King (R-LI). “He shouldn’t be on [Comedy Central] talking about Americans who were murdered in Libya. To say it’s ‘not optimal’ is a callous disregard for the loss of American life.”

Rep. Michael Grimm (R-SI) said it showed Obama “was never prepared to be commander in chief.”

“When he’s off script and doesn’t have a teleprompter, that’s something you start to see,” he said.

State Sen. Martin Golden (R-Brooklyn), meanwhile, said, “I felt sorry for the families of those killed and all the Americans across the country who watched him say it.”