
Chill Factor

Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig

Most popular songs

1. Gangnam Style, PSY

2. Locked Out of Heaven, Bruno Mars

3. Die Young, Kesha

4. One More Night, Maroon 5

5. We Are Never, Ever Getting, Taylor Swift

6. Diamonds, Rihanna

7. Some Nights, fun.

8. Little Things, One Direction

9. I Cry, Flo Rida

10. I Knew You Were Trouble, Taylor Swift

Tivo favorites

1. The Big Bang Theory

2. Modern Family

3. 60 Minutes

4. NFL Football: Steelers at Giants

5. NFL Football: Cowboys at Falcons

Top video downloads

1. President Obama: I’m really proud of all of you

2. World War Z official trailer

3. 2012 voting machines altering votes

4. Walmart employees throwing iPads

5. O’s victory speech

Google trends

1. Yahoo! fantasy football

2. Veterans Day

3. Johnny Manziel

4. Earthquake

5. Paula Broadwell

NY Post hot topics

1. ’Til dawn do us part

2. ‘Skyfall’ opens with US record

3. Two stars who totally Rockaway

4. ‘Enemy’ with the state

5. Additional PATH train service