
Lesbian Playmate now loves men, cops

Stephanie Adams, the stunning lesbian Playboy Playmate who won a million-dollar police-brutality suit this year, has done an about-face.

She’s now married (to a man) and loves the NYPD.

Adams, 42, credits local cops with saving her from a deranged stalker who surfaced after she won a $1.2 million jury award in February in her case against the Police Department.

Jurors found that Sgt. John Rajan tossed her to the ground, injuring her back and neck, after a cabby falsely claimed she pulled a gun on him and flashed “vampire teeth” on a street near her Chelsea apartment in 2006.

“I joked with my lawyer that I started out single and gay and at the end of the lawsuit, I ended up straight and married,” the model-turned-author told The Post.

Five months after the excessive-force award, she received a threatening e-mail on her birthday, July 24.

“It said, ‘Happy Death Day,’ and [that] he wouldn’t rest until I was dead,” Adams said. “It was a racist thing.”

Adams, who has Caucasian, African-American and Cherokee roots and is descended from President John Adams, reached out to the NYPD — and got a quick response from Deputy Inspector Edward Winski, she said.

The commander of the First Precinct tracked down her stalker in Virginia after investigators researched his e-mail server and uncovered hate-spewing Web sites from the unemployed, 30-something blogger.

“He hated black people and gay people,” Adams said. “And he made it clear he thought I would be afraid to go to the police.”

She said cops also learned that he had been following her every move during the course of the civil suit. “He said awful, derogatory things,” she said.

Winski, working with investigators in Virginia, obtained a phone number for the creep and got him on the line.

“He told him he would be arrested if he set foot in New York,” she said. “He was my hero. He was so supportive.”

Her marriage to Charles Nicolai, a chiropractor, has not stopped her from supporting gay and lesbian causes.

“I still identify myself as LBGT,” she said.

Adams, who says she kept up her looks without dieting, exercise or plastic surgery, is helping Nicolai run Wall Street Chiropractic, a treatment office at 75 Wall St.

His adjustment work comes in handy at home, she says: Adams suffers from chronic back pain but can’t take medication because her son is still nursing.

The couple met on, and he helped her during her pregnancy in 2010, when she was on bed rest.

“We felt like we were soul mates right from the beginning,” she said.

She’s also written a memoir to celebrate the 20th anniversary of her Playboy pictorial in November 1992.

“Now I wear my La Leche nursing bra in front of a real refrigerator with my two year old son’s art work on it,” she said.