

Cy the Cynic had gotten into an argument with one of his opponents in a penny game, and was rightfully remorseful.

“It’s a jungle out there,” the Cynic sighed in the club lounge.

“So remember the law of the jungle,” Rose told him. “‘Keep calm and share your bananas.’ ”

Being contentious at the table will adversely affect your results — and may put you in an early grave. Always court your opponents with good fellowship: It’s easier to do well against people who enjoy your presence at the table. If you antagonize them, they’ll play with all the more determination to beat you.

Moreover, ill feeling interferes with your concentration. In today’s deal, South should have made 3NT, but he and East didn’t like each other. They had spent the previous deal trading insults, and South was upset and preoccupied.

South took the jack of spades and led a diamond to dummy’s king. East won and returned a spade, and South won and led a second diamond to the queen. When East discarded, South could take only eight tricks.

The foul atmosphere at the table may have affected South’s focus. Since South needs only two diamond tricks to make game, he should play low from dummy on the first diamond in case East has the bare ace. If East won with a lower card, South would lead to the king later, winning if diamonds broke 3-2 or if West had the ace.

Bridge is hard enough without the distraction of bad behavior. Observe the law of the jungle. Be gracious to your opponents. Share your bananas. A pleasant game means better play.