
Shocker! Con Ed gives back

Con Ed customers blacked out by Hurricane Sandy are getting a break on their electric bills.

State officials yesterday approved Con Ed’s proposal for a one-time cut to the basic service charge paid by more than 1 million residential electric customers who lost power during the storm.

Manhattan customers will see the fee cut by $3, and Con Ed customers elsewhere who were hit by the blackout get a $6 break.

The one-time price cut applies to the residential basic service charge, which is 54 cents per day — or $16.20 in a 30-day month.

Con Ed decided to base the savings on the average number of days customers were blacked out.

The average blackout in Manhattan was five days, which works out to about $2.70 on the service charge. Con Ed rounded up to $3.

The savings will show up on bills sent out between Dec. 16 and Jan. 16, Con Ed says.