
Chill Factor

Tory Burch

Tory Burch (AP)

Most popular songs

1. Locked Out of Heaven, Bruno Mars

2. Gangnam Style, PSY

3. I Knew You Were Trouble, Taylor Swift

4. Ho Hey, The Lumineers

5. Scream and Shout, Will.I.Am

6. Diamonds, Rihanna

7. Beauty and a Beat, Justin Bieber

8. Die Young, Kesha

9. Thrift Shop, Macklemore, Ryan Lewis

10. Home, Phillip Phillips

TiVo favorites

1. NFL: 49ers vs. Patriots

2. 60 Minutes

3. The Big Bang Theory

Top video downloads

1. Eagle and toddler

2. Fruit ninja in real life

3. Top 10 scare pranks 2012

Google trends

1. Bruno Mars

2. Calvin Johnson

3. Ryan Freel

NY Post hot topics

1. Tory Burch legal blitz

2. Ad guru on sale of estate

3. Groping in Times Square

4. Victoria Soto’s class picture

5. NJ town puts armed guard in schools