
A firm footing

Some opponents of concrete boardwalks claimed that wood and concrete sections of the Rockaway Beach boardwalk survived Superstorm Sandy equally well in areas with jetties (“They Wood Not! OK for ‘Plastic’ Coney,” Dec. 18).

This is not true. Pre-stressed concrete planks were installed last year for more than a mile of the boardwalk.

These areas held up, with minor movement and a few damaged planks.

In contrast, much of the wooden boardwalk was ripped from its supports and in many cases splintered and damaged too badly to be reinstalled.

Concrete lasts longer than wood, costs less, is environmentally friendlier, requires less maintenance and is more durable.

As Superstorm Sandy has proven, concrete holds up better to adverse weather conditions.

Liam Kavanagh

First Deputy


NYC Parks & Recreation
