

No pair has been more successful than Jeff Meckstroth-Eric Rodwell. Using complex bidding methods and an aggressive style, the two have racked up countless national and world titles.

“Meckwell” came to prominence in the 1981 Bermuda Bowl. In a celebrated deal, they displayed the ebullience of youth when, leading in the final, they risked playing at 3NT redoubled and made it when a different lead would have set them 2,200.

It’s 31 years later. Lille, France. The 2012 World Open Teams. In the quarterfinals, the United States faces Sweden.

The US has a slim lead starting the last 16 deals and then gains a game swing. But next . . .

At one table, the US East-West reach four spades. Sweden’s North-South save at five diamonds, which could be down two, but East-West push to five spades and play it doubled. Declarer misguesses the trumps and goes down one.

But even if West makes five spades doubled, the US is fated to lose substantially.

At the other table, where Meckstroth-Rodwell are North-South, South attempts 3NT over his partner’s preempt. When West comes in with four spades, North goes to 4NT: He has an unexpected ace.

East doubles . . . and South sits it out!

West leads a heart, and East takes the ace and returns a spade: queen, king. West can cash out for down one, but he wants more: He leads the king and a low heart. East produces the queen and leads a second spade. Down seven, minus 1,700.

Sweden wins the match — by four IMPs. Maybe ebullience should be reserved to the young.