
Organic-veggie confusion

The Issue: Whether organic vegetables are more healthy than those grown with conventional methods.


Henry I. Miller’s words should not surprise anyone once they realize that this man is paid to defend the interests of the agro-industrial complex (“Don’t Eat Your Organic Veggies,” PostOpinion, Jan. 13).

It’s about time that people, including our fearless leader, President Obama, stop coddling those who contribute to the poisoning of Americans. It is shameful and disgraceful.

There has to be a significant change in the way that we approach food, the way we grow food and the way that the Monsantos of the world are allowed to poison our food. Elyn Jacobs


It sounds as if Miller likes to hear himself talk.

Pesticides are not healthy for you, and I know many people who do purchase non-organic fruits and vegetables and then wash them in soap and water to get rid of the pesticides.

Are we really to believe that pesticides at any level are safe for consumption?

The real issue that Miller doesn’t even address is whether pesticides are killing the nutritional value of our crops by destroying valuable minerals in the soil. This may lead people to take supplements.

Lee Presser


While I agree that the organic market should be looked into further, I can’t trust this man’s word. Miller is known in the agricultural community as “Dr. DDT” for his lobbying on behalf of the pesticide communities to bring back the use of that insecticide.

Brian Biggalo

Howell, NJ

Miller cites 237 studies that say there is “no difference between organic and genetically modified food.” In the world of scientific studies, it is “he who pays for the study gets the results he wants.” Steve Kruger

Brigantine, NJ