
Chill factor

Mallory Hytes Hagan

Mallory Hytes Hagan (AP)

Most popular songs

1. I Knew You Were Trouble, Taylor Swift

2. Gangnam Style, PSY

3. Locked Out of Heaven, Bruno Mars

4. Scream and Shout, Will.I.Am

5. Thrift Shop, Macklemore, Ryan Lewis

6. Ho Hey, The Lumineers

7. Diamonds, Rihanna

8. Beauty and a Beat, Justin Bieber

9. Home, Phillip Phillips

10. Don’t You Worry Child, Swedish House Mafia

Tivo favorites

1. NFL Football: Seahawks vs. Redskins

2. NFL Football: Colts vs. Ravens

3. NFL Football: Vikings vs. Packers

4. The Big Bang Theory

5. BCS: Alabama vs. Notre Dame

Top video downloads

1. The best Web videos of 2012

2. Celebrities read mean tweets #3

3. Slam dunk supertramp style

4. Science is pretty freaking awesome!

5. Puppy vs. orange

Google trends

1. Ray Lewis on stunning comeback

2. Colin Kaepernick

3. Miss America 2013

4. Aaron Swartz

5. Zayn Malik

NY Post hot topics

1. Steven Tyler and fiancée split

2. Brooklynite wins Miss America

3. New bird strike on JFK jet

4. Newtown weighs fate of school

5. Drunk man hit by three cars