
Chill factor

Kate Upton

Kate Upton (AP)

Most popular songs

1. When I Was Your Man, Bruno Mars

2. Thrift Shop, Macklemore/Ryan Lewis

3. Stay, Rihanna

4. Suit & Tie, Justin Timberlake

5. Just Give Me a Reason, Pink

6. Gangnam Style, PSY

7. Harlem Shake, Baauer

Tivo favorites

1. The Big Bang Theory


3. Dancing With the Stars

4. The Good Wife

5. The Amazing Race

Top video downloads

1. Woman gives accurate description of hail

2. David Letterman Selena Gomaz

3. Cliff-jumping Hawaii

4. Kate Upton, Will You Go To Prom With Me?

5. Let’s have a TV baby

Google trends

1. Powerball

2. Palm Sunday

3. Kids Choice Awards

4. Gonzaga

5. Chrtis Porco