
Arrest in deadly stabbing

The NYPD nabbed a 64-year-old man in Brooklyn who was wanted for stabbing a younger man to death after he said the victim harassed him for being old, according to police sources.

Juan Ramos allegedly stabbed Giovanni Rodriguez, 22, to death about 3:15 p.m. Sunday after he told cops he was messing with him for being elderly, sources said.

He was spotted in Sunset Park on 50th Street near Third Avenue this afternoon by someone who recognized him after his wanted picture was posted on Facebook.

The person called Peter Ortiz, 31, a friend of the victim’s family, who rushed to the 72nd precinct with his coworker Chris Szwaba, 36 with the information.

Juan Ramos, 64, arrested outside his Brooklyn homePeter Ortiz, Custom Records

Police then rushed to the scene– and chased Ramos who fled to the roof. He was apprehended shortly after.

“We went straight to the precinct,” said Ortiz, a tow truck operator for Custom Records. “Then went back to make sure they grabbed him. Once I notified the sister, she broke into tears and is so happy they got him. She got to see him in cuffs. That gave her a little closure.

Charges are pending for Ramos while detectives are questioning him.

The victim never had any run-ins with the law, sources added.