Serby’s Father’s Day Q & A with … Derek Jeter

The Post’s Steve Serby sat down with intensely private Yankees captain and spoke at length about his relationship with his father, Charles.

Q: Reasons you’re proud of your father?

A: There’s a lot of reasons. He’s just always been very, very supportive in everything I’ve done. . . . He’s always been there. That’s probably the best compliment you could give is someone’s always been there — good times, bad times, whenever — he’s just always there.

Q: Traits that he has that you admire?

A: Very positive . . . listens well . . . gives great advice.

Q: In what ways do you think you’re like him?

A: Think in most ways. Somebody told me recently that I act just like my dad. I’m turnin’ into him. And I consider that a compliment.

Q: What did he or she mean by that?

A: I talk like him, act like him . . . demeanor is very similar. Like I said, I consider that a compliment.

Q: Best piece of advice he gave you growing up?

A: Never let someone outwork you.

Q: What prompted that advice?

A: I think just when you’d say your goals and what you want to do, it didn’t necessarily have to be baseball-related, it’s just something that you want to accomplish.

Q: Best piece of advice he’s given you as an adult? I’m taking a liberty calling you adult.

A: I was about to fire at you before you said that (smiles). . . . Enjoy the moment.

Q: When did he tell you that and what was the context?

A: Probably last year during this whole setting the (Yankees) hit record, I try not to focus on it. He said, “Well, make sure you enjoy the moment because it’s something pretty special.”

Q: Best piece of baseball advice growing up?

A: Never make excuses.

Q: Most meaningful, most impactful heart-to-heart?

A: We have a lot of heart-to-hearts — you can’t just pick one. We’re pretty close, so I can’t nail it down to one topic.

Q: What is so effective about his heart-to-hearts?

A: He’s always honest. He’s not someone who’s gonna tell me what he thinks I want to hear.

Q: A quote from your father: “As a biracial family, you get a lot of those stares. You can’t live in this world without running into ignorant people. . . . For some people, you’ve got to be better.” Do you remember him saying that to you?

A: Oh yeah, of course, growing up a lot. You know, as a kid, you don’t really understand, so, yeah.

Q: Was there something that prompted him to say that to you?

A: A lot of things prompted it. It’s not like you’d go out one time and somebody stares at you, you know what I mean? If you grow up in a pretty small town . . . it’s not like a one-time occurrence.

Q: It bothered you as a kid?

A: I don’t know if it really bothers you. I mean, it bothers you somewhat, but I think you’re more confused by it.

Q: He did a good job explaining?

A: Yup.

Q: What was in his scrapbook that he showed you as a child?

A: Clippings from college (Fisk University) when he played (shortstop) . . . pictures, highlights, and those sorts of things. He told me one day I might be able to have one.

Q: What did he tell you about the kind of shortstop he was?

A: He said he was a great defensive shortstop, but he couldn’t hit.

Q: Where did you used to play catch with him?

A: Anywhere . . . back yard, baseball fields. Anywhere and everywhere.

Q: Did he want you to become a major-league baseball player?

A: He wanted me to do whatever I wanted. He never pushed me into baseball.

Q: Of the 18 clauses in this contract you had to sign every summer, which ones did you struggle with?

A: I didn’t really fight it. I tried to negotiate . . . curfew.

Q: What was the curfew?

A: My senior year in high school, my curfew was 10 o’clock. During the week it was 10 o’clock. Weekends like 12.

Q: What did you try to negotiate it to?

A: I don’t know, just anything longer than it was (chuckles).

Q: You stranded the family car once throwing stones at some girl’s window?

A: I got dragged into it, it wasn’t me.

Q: How many times did you miss curfew?

A: I didn’t miss it.

Q: What about the time you wouldn’t shake hands with the winning Little League team?

A: Didn’t want to.

Q: Why didn’t you want to?

A: They just beat us. As a kid, you don’t want to shake hands with someone that just beat you.

Q: What did your father say to you?

A: Basically the message was you have to be a good sport . . . win graciously and you have to lose with a little class, I guess is the best way to put it.

Q: The year you committed 56 errors in the minors and called your parents at 2 in the morning?

A: You read my book or something (smiles)? Serby’s Sunday Q&A should be “Read my book.”

Q: What do you remember him saying to you when you’d call at 2 in the morning crying?

A: You gotta stay positive, that’s the biggest thing, and you learn from your mistakes. Everybody’s gonna make mistakes, I don’t care how good you are, but you gotta try to turn that negative into a positive. Everyone’s human, everyone’s gonna face adversity, it’s just how you deal with adversity.

Q: How often would you call him?

A: Every day.

Q: And every day you’d get the same advice?

A: Well, I mean we still played 100-and-something games — it wasn’t always an error.

Q: But whenever you would call home crying, the gist was be positive?

A: I wasn’t crying every day (smiles). Still to this day, you’re gonna make mistakes, but you gotta try to be positive, I mean, that’s the only way you can get through it.

Q: When you hung up the phone, how much better did you feel?

A: It always feels good when you have some words of encouragement. But I think everyone needs to deal with adversity.

Q: How would you assess him since he works for your Turn 2 Foundation as an employee?

A: He listens well (smiles).

Q: Did he ever talk to you about him growing up without a father?

A: A little bit. . . . I’m not getting into that.

Q: Did he call Joe Torre “Mr. Torre” like you did?

A: I’m pretty sure he did, I’m not positive.

Q: Do you talk to him after every game now?

A: Almost.

Q: What are those conversations like?

A: Well I wouldn’t necessarily say after every game, I talk to him almost every day, and we just don’t talk about baseball.

Q: What did he say to you when you won the Roberto Clemente award?

A: He was proud because it’s a lot to do with our foundation. We take a lot of pride in our foundation. It’s a family-run foundation. . . . I got the award, but basically I was representing the entire family.

Q: Who will introduce you at the Hall of Fame?

A: I’m not thinking about the Hall of Fame. It’s a premature question.

Q: His proudest moment as a father?

A: I don’t know, you’d have to ask him, I’d say it’s a safe bet any time that me and my sister are happy — and it doesn’t have to be that you accomplish something. I think just seeing us happy is good enough for him.

Q: His favorite meal?

A: Whenever he’s hungry.

Q: Is he a bigger eater than you?

A: Yeah. He can eat.

Q: Some people view you almost as brothers.

A: Yeah, but I still know that he’s in charge (smiles). Yeah, we have a great relationship.

Q: Any idea why it’s that kind of relationship? Is it because you’re so alike?

A: Probably. You always hear people say you turn into your parents, and maybe as I’ve gotten older, like you said, we’ve gotten more alike. We’ve always been close though.

Q: Who would you pick to play your father in the Dr. Charles Jeter movie?

A: Depends on what age.

Q: Right now?

A: Morgan Freeman’s pretty good. But he’s older than my dad. Take Morgan Freeman back a few years.

Q: What are his hobbies?

A: Eatin’. No. 1 hobby.

Q: How eager would you be for a third-generation Jeter shortstop?

A: I don’t think you push any job or any career on anyone. So that would never be a part of the equation.

Q: Next Saturday, is it hard for you to believe you’re turning 36?

A: Stopped countin’. It’s all a mindset.

Q: How old do you feel?

A: 21.

Q: Are you planning on any special gift for him (today)?

A: I wouldn’t tell you . . . ’cause then you’d ruin it.

Q: Do you think he’s more proud of the son he’s raised or the fact you’re a Hall of Fame Yankee?

A: Person. By far. Just because you play baseball, I don’t think that defines who you are. Baseball only lasts for so long. Who you are as a person goes on, so . . . without question.

Q: How would you sum up what he’s meant to you?

A: He’s been everything. I mean, he’s been very supportive, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. I wouldn’t be the person I am if it wasn’t for him, so . . . it goes without saying.