Fashion & Beauty

Timo Weiland

The Who: The young fashion crowd could be found front row, from Teen Vogue’s Style Features Director, Andrew Bevan, to the Glamourai blogger, Kelly Framel.

The What: New age English country side pieces played a key role, from shearling collared jackets to wide leg pants and leather everything. “Tudor” tapestry, tweed, quilted details and even denim showed up, as well.

The Highlight: Tracy Antonopoulos, of Brit-Pop inspired band Cable, performed during the show in a sensationally sparkly Timo Weiland dress.

The Takeaway: The winter mixture of materials combined with tailored looks (button-downs to slacks) to feminine styles (pencil skirts to cocktail flared dresses) should leave every tomboy or girly-girl with options this fall.