
Chill Factor

Most popular songs

1. Just Give Me a Reason, Pink

2. When I Was Your Man, Bruno Mars

3. Suit & Tie, Justin Timberlake

4. Thrift Shop, Macklemore/Ryan Lewis

5. Stay, Rihanna

6. Mirrors, Justin Timberlake

7. Feel This Moment, Pitbull

8. Gangnam Style, PSY

9. Started from the Bottom, Drake

10. Harlem Shake, Baauer


Tivo favorites

1. Modern Family


3. The Voice

4. The Good Wife

5. Dancing With the Stars, Mon.

Top video downloads

1. Magic kissing card trick

2. Quick and evil April Fool’s pranks

3. Sergio Garcia climbs a tree

4. Best news bloopers March 2013

5. Two guys in their 90s racing

Source: YouTube

Google trends

1. Pope Francis makes Easter plea

2. Easter Bunny

3. Cesar Chavez

4. Steve Alford

5. Wichita State

Searches that have increased significantly

NY Post hot topics

1. EMTs post gory pics

2. NCAA coverage

3. Women undermine each other at work

4. Katie Holmes spotted at Lure Fishbar

5. Man tries on watch and flees