
Bloomberg: I was being ‘polite’ when I complimented foe

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he was just being “polite” when he once said his Democratic opponent might be the best comptroller New York City has ever had.

The billionaire mayor was asked Thursday about the compliment he gave William Thompson Jr. in 2007, long before they were political opponents.

Bloomberg praised Thompson during a commencement speech at Tufts University, Thompson’s alma mater.

The mayor now says he was just being polite. He says it was a commencement speech — what would you expect him to say?

Thompson has used a clip of Bloomberg’s comment in a television ad.

Bloomberg later blasted Thompson’s economic plan as wishful thinking and portrayed his opponent as delusional for thinking the federal and state government would come to the rescue with more funding.

“There is no Santa Claus in budgeting,” said Bloomberg.

The billionaire mayor also promised that the city can get through the next year without raising taxes. He made a similar claim while running in 2001, and then raised taxes in his first term.

Bloomberg is not a member of any party but the former Republican is running on the Republican and Independent Party lines.