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Matador gored by a bull

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A day after dashing Spanish bullfighter Julio Aparicio showed his dominance by cutting the ears off two vanquished bulls, one of their bovine brothers got revenge by gruesomely impaling the matador through his throat and out his mouth. AFP/Getty Images
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Spanish Bullfighter Julio Aparicio is gored by a bull during a bullfight of the San Isidro Feria at the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid. AFP/Getty Images
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As Aparicio held his red cape and sword out to face down the 1,100-pound beast named Opiparo at the Feria de San Isidor bullfighting event in Las Ventanas, Spain, the bullfighter lost his footing and the bull was able to bring his horn to bear on the matador. AFP/Getty Images
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“[The horn] went though the tongue and penetrated the roof of the mouth, fracturing the jawbone,” one of the medics who worked on Aparicio after the horrific accident told AFP news in Madrid. EPA
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The Seville native, who hails from a well-known family of matadors, was in grave condition but expected to survive last night. AFP/Getty Images
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Here is Spanish matador Julio Aparicio performing in a previous bullfight just a day before the horrific goring. AFP/Getty Images