
A fracking anniversary

Five years ago last week, then-Gov. David Paterson, citing environmental concerns, temporarily banned large-scale fracking, the natural-gas extraction process that can spur thousands of jobs for New York. Today, alas, there’s no sign the state will lift the ban anytime soon — despite a lack of evidence that fracking is unsafe.

Indeed, fracking’s foes have used the time since the start of the ban to step up efforts to outlaw it permanently. Their latest offensive: demanding that Gov. Cuomo’s anti-corruption Moreland Commission probe political donations by fracking proponents.

The critics cite a study by Common Cause showing that since 2007 a total of 183 groups and entities that support fracking have donated a combined $14 million to legislators and political parties.

It’s misleading, to say the least. As the pro-fracking Independent Oil and Gas Association notes, the group “cherry-picked data to fit an anti-drilling narrative,” by including companies with other lobbying interests and only remote ties to fracking.

The irony is that Common Cause’s own national parent group has itself gotten significant donations from the Park Foundation, a well-known opponent of fracking. At the same time, foes are brimming with resources and enjoy mega celebrity support. And Cuomo’s repeated extensions of the ban have given the critics plenty of time to gear up — and gain the upper hand.

Cuomo could end the charade and gin up jobs almost in a heartbeat. But he’s more interested in the political points he gets by appeasing enviros than boosting the economy.

Hmm. Now that might make a good case for the Moreland Commission.