

It’s hardly news that Hillary Rodham Clinton has a credibility problem.

The long-delayed release of her schedule as first lady offers another example.

To wit: Sen. Clinton won the Ohio primary in part by convincing voters that she privately opposed NAFTA’s passage, even as the Clinton administration championed it.

Yet a look through the more than 11,000 pages of the first lady’s schedule doesn’t show Clinton ferociously working against NAFTA.

Actually, it suggests just the opposite.

Clinton spoke at a luncheon in November 1993 – just before Congress was to vote on the trade agreement. She forcefully urged a room full of businesswomen to work for its passage.

One attendee told ABC News: “Her remarks were totally pro-NAFTA and what a good thing it would be for the economy. There was no equivocation for her support for NAFTA at the time. Folks were pleased that she came by. If this is still a question about what Hillary’s position was when she was first lady, she was totally supportive of NAFTA.”

Furthermore, the participant recalls that this event was organized by the first lady’s office, suggesting that it wasn’t likely that Mrs. Clinton simply attended as an emissary of her husband.

Noting Sen. Clinton’s current position and talking about re-negotiating NAFTA, the attendee added: “A number of the women who were there are very upset. You need to have some integrity in your position. The Clintons, when Bill Clinton was president, took a moderate position on trade – for Democrats. For her to repudiate that now seems pretty phony.”


Of course, that may explain the Clinton Library’s delay in authorizing release of the schedule from the National Archives.

Had this information gotten out before the Ohio primary, it would have been much harder for the senator to boldly claim she “always” opposed NAFTA.

As it turns out, reports following the Ohio primary showed that the Clinton and Obama campaigns both apparently made contact with the Canadian government to signal that any NAFTA-bashing shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Which raises an important question: Should voters take their candidacies seriously?

That’s a heavy lift.