

Thank you, Ralph Peters, for telling the truth so openly (“Shock and Awful,” PostOpinion, March 20).

With any luck, Sen. John McCain will be elected and steer the war to a successful conclusion.

The Middle East will know that we are serious.

Life cannot go on as it was before 9/11.

Carl Trooper

Lake Placid

When Peters finally admits that Iraq is a quagmire, we will know that it is time to leave.

The valor of our soldiers has nothing to do with the rationale for pursuing the war.

It has been a strategic blunder from the start, costing tens of thousands of lives and billions of dollars – not to mention our national unity.

Sen. Barack Obama may have a crazy pastor, but I’ll take him over someone who wants to fight to the last man for a cause that means nothing.

In case we forgot, Islamists aren’t Democrats. They are tribalists who like to kill each other.

Ken Drexler

North Woodmere

Whether or not he intended it, Peters makes the best argument yet for electing McCain.

Peters stands fast on the justification for the Iraq war and tears apart the positions of Sens. Hillary Clinton and Obama.

He makes a clear case as to why we will be there for an extended period and scoffs at the cowardice of an early withdrawal of US troops.

While McCain is not mentioned in the article, voters can conclude that he is the only responsible choice. McCain will not make the same mistakes as President Bush, nor will he make the glaring errors in judgment so loudly expressed by his Democratic opponents.

Tom Cahill

Jackson Heights