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She says the cruelest thing she ever did to him was put skim milk in his cappuccino.

He says that calling him “a pile of blubber,” threatening to “cut your balls off and have them for breakfast,” and going on YouTube and telling the world they’d never had sex because he couldn’t was a little bit meaner.

Tricia Walsh-Smith said “horrible, terrible things, and she did it for the world to see, in front of millions and millions of people,” her husband’s lawyer, David Aronson, said at the start of their divorce trial yester day. The “Bonkers” playwright’s hubby, Philip Smith, hasn’t uttered a word publicly since his wife slammed him in a now-infamous YouTube video in April.

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“We never had sex. He said it was because he had high blood pressure,” she said in the first of her online rants. “I accepted that. Then last year . . . I found Viagra, porn movies and con doms.”

Smith, 77, finally got his day in court yesterday, when Aronson argued before Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Harold Beeler that Walsh-Smith had been “cruel and inhuman” to him “and then some.”

His first witness was Walsh-Smith, 52, who at turns cracked jokes, shouted, shrieked, pouted and sobbed in expletive-laden testimony from the witness stand as she talked about Smith, the head of the Shubert Organization.

“I loved and adored my husband and I still love him,” she said – but various voice mails she left her husband over the past year emanated hate.

“Your days of limousines and being a big shot in theater are going to be over,” she said in one. “This will be a big scandal. Very embarrassing.”

When he wouldn’t alter the terms of their prenuptial agreement, Smith said his wife flew into a fit of rage, breaking dishes and telling him, “I will cut your balls off and have them for breakfast.”

Asked about the tirade, Walsh-Smith said that while “balls for breakfast doesn’t sound like me,” she “may” have said it.

“I’m entitled to get angry and have an opinion,” she said.

The couple got hitched in 1999, and Walsh-Smith said their early years together were “amazing.”

Things started to fall apart last year, when she asked to change their prenup to ensure she would be able to stay in their Park Avenue apartment if he were to become incapacitated.

He said she could stay, and his daughters would give her $7,500 a month and pay her grocery bills. She said she responded by telling him, “I’m not going to grovel to your f- – -ing daughters.”

Smith filed for divorce in October, but continued paying her $15,000 to $25,000 a month in credit-card bills. In March, he got socked with a $45,000 bill and stopped paying.

After that, she turned to YouTube.

She maintained it wasn’t to embarrass him, even though he’d been “petrified” about having his private life going public.

“I basically did it so somebody would help me,” she said. “I’m not going to just slink off into Central Park.”