Human foods for Fido

If your pets are like mine, you have their undivided attention any time you’re trying to get a bite to eat. The good news is, it’s OK to share human food with dogs and cats, nutrition experts say — as long as it’s done carefully and in moderation.

If Fido or Fluffy covets your breakfast eggs, go ahead and share. “Eggs make a nice, calorie-dense snack for pets, especially in winter — the fat and protein are very warming,” says certified holistic health counselor Celia Kutcher. “Serve the eggs intact,” Kutcher adds. “I take an egg and throw it in the blender on high, because the shell is a great source of calcium for pets. You can serve it raw or cook it.”

Veggies are another great way to keep dogs trim — and trim waste in your kitchen. “Most people throw out the broccoli stalks, but they make great dog treats,” Kutcher explains. “Just be sure to cook them, because if you serve broccoli raw, you get a gassy dog.” The same applies to kale stalks: They’re too chewy for most people and usually get tossed, but well-cooked kale stalks make a fine dog treat — especially if cooked in chicken broth. When making soup, throw in the kale and broccoli stalks — they’ll help flavor your broth — and then remove them later for Fido.

Carrots, meanwhile, double as a chew bone. Select a large, Bugs Bunny-size carrot and offer it to Spot raw.

Not all veggies are pet-friendly, however. Don’t ever feed Fido eggplant, peppers, onions, garlic or avocados — all are toxic to pets. Green beans are OK, but black and pinto beans cause serious flatulence, so don’t share Mexican food with pets, por favor.

As for fruit, apples (with the seeds removed), blueberries and bananas are fine for pets, while grapes and raisins are toxic and must be avoided.

When it comes to dairy, don’t give pets milk, but it’s fine to give a teaspoon of yogurt as a probiotic supplement, Kutcher says. To prevent hairballs in cats, offer the occasional small pat of cultured butter, such as Organic Valley brand.

Now, on to most pets’ favorite culinary category: meat. Chicken, fish, beef, buffalo, venison, quail and duck all are fine to share with dogs and cats. “I’m not a fan of pork for dogs, though,” Kutcher explains. “Pork meat is hard for them to digest.”

So, go ahead and break bread with your best friend — but don’t overstuff on the staff of life. “People who complain that their dogs are fat are usually the ones giving the dog a bagel a day!”