

Michael Greenspan’s thriller about an amnes iac who wakes up trapped in a crashed car surrounded by dead bodies belongs, like last year’s “127 Hours” and “Buried,” to the growing subgenre of movies with essentially one-person casts.

It might not be James Franco’s tour de force in the higher-profile “127 Hours,” but Oscar winner Adrien Brody makes a meal of his seriously injured character. Saying practically nothing, he struggles to escape the mangled wreck in a remote mountain area even as he tries to figure out who he is and how he got there.

He might be a bank robber, based on an ID card and a radio broadcast that follows Tiny Tim’s “Tiptoe Through the Tulips.” Who is this woman our hero keeps imagining turning up? Even after he manages to get out of the car and slowly starts recovering his memory, “Wrecked” keeps you guessing.