
Aiding the enemy: America’s Pakistan folly

THE ISSUE: Pakistan’s arrest of five CIA informants and the future of US-Pakistani relations.


It appears the need to take a bow by officials of the Obama administration for the demise of Osama bin Laden has caused collateral damage to operatives who thought our government could be trusted to keep their involvement secret (“Loose Lips, Lost Lives,” Editorial, June 15).

The amateurish high fives have cost the US intelligence community what little support our Pakistani partners delivered in the war against terrorism.

Killing bin Laden may also have put our efforts to keep us safe on life support.

Those responsible should realize that true patriots are those who don’t sell out for a pat on the back.

T. Miraldi

The Bronx


The United States has given the Pakistan military over $13 billion in aid since 9/11 to help us combat terrorism. Have we gotten our money’s worth?

The Pakistani government arrested five informants who helped the CIA keep watch on bin Laden’s compound before the raid.

It’s time we start severely reducing aid to Pakistan, as it’s a waste of money.

K. Zimmerman

Huntington Beach, Calif.


The discussion should be about why we were spending billions of dollars for the Pakastani military to hide bin Laden, not about the failure to keep secret the “modus operandi.”

The five operatives should have been honored, instead of being arrested at the behest of the Pakistani military.

Are we placing our money on the wrong horse?

Nelson Marans

Silver Spring, Md.