
A momentous week

Calamity looms at the United Nations this week, as Palestinians plan a unilateral push for statehood — despite desperate US efforts to get them to stand down.

The outcome, of course, is far from certain. But odds are good that UN member nations may soon grant the Palestinians some form of upgraded status — potentially setting off a dangerous chain of events.

They’d be doing themselves, and everyone else, a huge disservice. But much blame would rest with President Obama.

Indeed, the move by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was somewhat predictable. A year ago, Obama said he hoped to see “Palestine” as a UN member … within a year. Then, by pressing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to freeze settlements and negotiate on the basis of pre-1967 lines (something he wasn’t going to do), Obama gave Abbas an excuse to skip peace talks — thus presenting him with an unfortunate opportunity to seek UN recognition.

Yet this week’s Turtle Bay theatrics are just a part of larger developments in the Middle East that began with Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech to Muslims.

There, the president raised Arab expectations and signaled America’s intention to abandon its role as a force in the region.

Ever since, he’s proved he meant it.

From the outset, for example, Obama made withdrawal of US forces from Iraq and Afghanistan a top priority, regardless of the situation on the ground.

He entertained Iran’s despots, in a futile attempt to tame their nuclear ambitions.

He was MIA as the Arab Spring erupted.

The result? Iran and Turkey are now vying for regional dominance. Islamists are gaining ground amid the regional uprisings. Hostility toward Israel is white hot.

Last month, Palestinian terrorists launched an attack on Israel from Egypt. This month, Jerusalem had to evacuate its Cairo embassy when a violent mob laid siege — and briefly shutter its embassy in Jordan amid similar threats.

Turkey is vowing to dispatch gunboats to Gaza. Iran has deployed warships to the Mediterranean, even as it moves closer to nuclear statehood.

In short, the Middle East appears to be on course for a fiery future.

And make no mistake: Israeli interests won’t be the only ones to suffer. The Palestinian push, for example — in bold defiance of US pleas — makes America’s weakened leverage painfully plain for all to see.

No, a Palestinian state won’t advance anyone’s interests. But it might well embolden Palestinian, Islamist and Iranian-backed terrorists, perhaps even tempt them into mounting new terror attacks.

It could also allow Palestinians to file charges against Israelis at bodies like the International Criminal Court, making them subject to prosecution abroad.

What would a “Palestine” be like?

A Palestinian envoy last week offered a glimpse, suggesting that all Jews be forcibly transferred out — ethnically cleansed, by UN standards. The term in Nazi Germany was judenrein, or “clean of Jews.”

At this point, there may be little the White House can do about the Palestinian bid — or even about rising Mideast tensions. But if it is going to improve long-term prospects for the region, and this country, America will need to show a new assertiveness and global engagement.

This would sure be a good week to start.