US News

GOP delivers plan to end shutdown, hike debt limit

WASHINGTON – House Republicans have delivered a proposal to President Obama that would set up a sequence for hiking the debt limit and reopening the government in the coming days – along with a menu of policy proposals that would go along with a temporary government funding bill.

Republicans expressed hope that the offer could set in motion an end to the budget standoff that has shut down the government – although it would require significant give from Obama, who has insisted publicly he won’t submit to “ransom” while the government is shut down.

Part of the talks involve ending the “sequester” that has imposed steep spending cuts on government across the board.

The “sequestration matter is involved in the [government funding bill] discussions. They’re taking place right now,” Rep. Harold Rogers (R-Ky.) told the Post.

Under discussions is making long-term changes to entitlement changes to provide additional funding for government programs.

One is to make Medicare more expensive for wealthy Americans, the AP reported.

The proposal represents some movement for Republicans, who on Thursday floated a proposal to raise the debt ceiling without reopening the government.

Republican lawmakers and aides expressed optimism that talks were ongoing, and a belief that President Obama might be willing to deal.

“Our staff and the White House staff is meeting to try to establish agreement on conditions for a [temporary government funding bill],” Rep. Rogers continued.

Asked whether Obama was open to suggestions for policy proposals that would accompany a temporary funding resolution, Rogers replied: “We’ve got to take [Obama] at is word that he is.”

A GOP leadership aide said that at a White House meeting yesterday between Republicans and Obama, the idea of policy riders “wasn’t rejected.” Whatever policy changes might get agreed to reopen the government would be a “springboard” to broader negotiations later.

Republican staff met with White House staff Thursday night to continue talks after lawmakers left the White House.

If a deal is reached, a vote to increase the debt ceiling could occur rapidly. The House is operating under “marshall law” rules that let it bring up bills immediately.

The pitch Republicans are making to Obama sets up a sequence to get out of the budget standoff. The first step would be an agreement on a framework for moving forward, followed by a vote to hike the debt limit for six weeks without conditions. Talks would go forward on the “CR” to fund the government, followed by a vote to reopen it once agreement is reached.

After that, broader “negotiations” on a range of issues, from entitlement reform to tax reform would follow.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was vague but optimistic Friday morning. “All of us are trying to get to a point where there is a two-way negotiations that affects an outcome that resolves some of the differences we’ve been talking about for the last 11 days,” he told reporters.

Senate Republicans were meeting with Obama this morning. Several of them have been negotiating with Democrats on a plan that would reopen the government for a longer period, hike the debt ceiling, and include changes to Obamacare, like getting rid of a tax on medical devices.