
Chill factor


Kate Upton

Kate Upton (AP)

Most popular songs

1. We Are Young, fun.

2. Glad You Came, The Wanted

3. Somebody That I Used to Know, Gotye

4. Wild Ones, Flo Rida

5. Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You), Kelly Clarkson

6. Starships, Nicki Minaj

7. What Makes You Beautiful, One Direction

8. Drive By, Train

9. Call Me Maybe, Carly Rae Jepsen

10. Part of Me, Katy Perry

Tivo favorites

1. American Idol: 10 Finalists Compete

2. Dancing With the Stars, Mon.


4. American Idol, One Voted Off

5. Grey’s Anatomy

Top video downloads

1. Etch A Sketch

2. Gunfire at Toulouse siege scene

3. Kuwait event plays Borat parody

4. Trayvon’s cries for help

Google trends

1. Cheney heart transplant

2. Mississippi State shooting

3. New Black Panther Party

4. Lost in space

5. October Baby

NY Post hot topics

1. French brother’s ‘helper’

2. Tebow’s faith in Jesus

3. ‘Hunger Games’ breaks record

4. Kate Upton: missing model

5. Cop wannabe in Trayvon case