
Chill factor


Most popular songs

1. We Are Young, fun.

2. Somebody That I Used to Know, Gotye

3. Glad You Came, The Wanted

4. Wild Ones, Flo Rida

5. What Makes You Beautiful, One Direction

6. Eyes Open, Taylor Swift

7. Starships, Nicki Minaj

8. Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You), Kelly Clarkson

9. Call Me Maybe, Carly Rae Jepsen

10. Drive By, Train

Tivo favorites

1. American Idol: Nine Finalists Compete

2. American Idol, One of 10 Voted Off

3. Dancing With the Stars, Mon.


5. 60 Minutes

Top video downloads

1. Maradona fight with fans

2. Did Santorum almost call Obama the ‘N’ word?

3. Batman pulled over

4. James Justice clinches slam dunk contest

5. Tornado hits school bus

Google trends

1. Micah True body found

2. April Fool’s Day

3. NCAA basketball

4. Palm Sunday

NY Post hot topics

1. Crazed JetBlue pilot

2. ’Hunger Games’ tops box office again

3. Emma Roberts craves carbs

4. Fire-stricken cruise ship safe

5. One ball away from jackpotbreaks record Kate Upton: missing modelCop wannabe in Trayvon case