
The Post’s Endorsement

City Democrats go to the polls tomor row to vote in a pair of primary-run off elections likely to determine the ultimate victors.

In the public-advocate contest, our feelings have long been known: It’s a useless position that should be abolished, so just who holds the job makes no difference.

Not so in the race for comptroller, the city’s top financial officer. The Post has endorsed David Yassky.

The race pits two City Council members against each other — one, a seasoned veteran with years of fiscal experience, the other a radical in the throes of Big Labor and its political arm, the financially shady Working Families Party.

Unlike his opponent, John Liu, Yassky understands New York’s need for fiscal constraints. Most significantly, he supports a new, less lavish pension tier for future city employees; Liu won’t even consider anything less generous.

Indeed, he prefers to fund existing benefits by finding new “revenue streams” (read: taxes). He’s also pressing for increased spending on mass transit without explaining how he’d pay for it.

We have differences with some of Yassky’s proposals and expect that will continue. But he’s by far the more sensible of the two candidates — which is critical, when you’re talking about oversight over a $60 billion budget and an $83 billion pension fund.

Make no mistake: This is a key race.

A victory for Liu would surely embolden the WFP and Big Labor and hand them enormous power.

We can’t state it strongly enough: Democrats should turn out tomorrow and make sure to vote for David Yassky.