
* Age: 3

* Breed: Boston terrier

* Represents: Mood Fabrics, 225 W. 37th St.

* On duty: Monday through Friday, between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. — but don’t look for him if it’s raining or snowing.

* Got the gig: Swatch cuddled his way into the heart of Mood Fabrics owner Eric Sauma at a pet store in November 2007. “Once Swatch chose me as his owner, he started coming to work with me every day. He loves it.”

* Responsibilities: Greeting employees, entertaining customers, assisting cast and crew of “Project Runway,” which debuts Season 8 on Thursday, when they film at the store. “He slowly works his way around the store making sure everybody has eaten their breakfast,” says Sauma. Swatch also models Mood Fabrics merchandise for his own blog The Daily Swatch at “He’ll wear anything for a treat.”

* Loves: Playing with children and other dogs who come into the store. Also, he likes water bottles: “He’ll chew and chase them all day if he could.”

* Pet Peeves: Rain, boxes and the vacuum cleaner

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