
Chill factor

Roger Federer

Roger Federer (AP)

Most popular songs

1. Call Me Maybe, Carly Rae Jepsen

2. Wide Awake, Katy Perry

3. Whistle, Flo Rida

4. Payphone, Maroon 5

5. Titanium, David Guetta

6. Good Time, Owl City

7. Somebody That I Used to Know, Gotye

8. Lights, Ellie Goulding

9. Where Have You Been, Rihanna

10. Scream, Usher

Tivo favorites

1. The Bachelorette

2. America’s Got Talent

3. MLB All-Star Game

4. The Big Bang Theory

5. The Closer

Top video downloads

1. David Nalbandian kicks line judge

2. Do That Toe Tappy

2. Amazing mushroom cloud over Beijing

3. Justin Bieber, “Right Here”

4. Close call with a great white shark

Google trends

1. Sage Stallone

2. Joe Paterno

3. Eddie Murphy

4. MLB All-Star Game

5. Roger Federer

NY Post hot topics

1. Cruise could pay $50M in split

2. Robinson Cano’s family jeered

3. Midwest Madoff’s missing $220 million

4. French lawsuit on Madonna swastika

5. Street fairs and dubious charities