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My new boss sends e-mails at all hours of the night. I feel pressure to be “on” all the time as a result. I don’t mind working hard, but at some point I do want to turn off. How do I establish boundaries with a new boss in order to achieve some balance?

If you want boundaries and balance, become a gymnast. The US Olympic team needs you to continue winning gold! If you want a career, you can’t always have it all.

First, make sure your boss expects a response at all hours — which, depending on your line of work, is highly unlikely. But demonstrating that you don’t create hard lines between being on and off duty is critical for long-term career success. Let’s not forget, the flip side of mobile technology is the flexibility it provides us not to be a slave to traditional in-office work hours. If you at least respond to a few late-night pings, you might be surprised at how quickly a bond may form with your new boss.

I’ve heard about companies using computer programs that scan resumes for certain key words in order to rank the resumes for consideration. How do I prepare a resume so that it will make it through these filters?

I have no idea. And neither does anyone else, no matter what they try to tell/sell you. It is the wrong question that earnest but frustrated job seekers keep asking, and it’s killing the Zen state I’m trying to achieve while on vacation.

So let’s try this again, people. Stop trying to game the system. Prepare a basic, clear, concise resume highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant for each job and employer. Then use it as a calling card to get to a human being.

Targeting a dozen employers through strategic networking is far more productive than sending out 200 resumes blindly to companies posting jobs on career engines where millions can see the opening and apply. Instead of figuring out how to communicate with some R2D2, it’s better to talk to a humanoid instead.