
Chill factor

Sharon Stone


Most popular songs

1. Gangnam Style, PSY

2. Clique, Kanye West

3. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Taylor Swift

4. Ronan, Taylor Swift

5. One More Night, Maroon 5

6. Some Nights, fun.

7. Too Close, Alex Clare

8. Whistle, Flo Rida

9. Call Me Maybe, Carly Rae Jepsen

10. As Long As You Love Me, Justin Bieber

Tivo favorites

1. NFL, Lions vs. 49ers, Sun.

2. NFL: Broncos vs. Falcons, Mon.

2. Survivor-Philippines

3.The Voice, Tues.

4. Revolution, pilot

Top video downloads

1. Cheating in middle school

2. LEGO great ball contraption

3. Dis is how we do track in Hawaii

4. Talented: street electric violinist

5. Football player finds grenade on field

Google trends

1. UFC

2. Mumford and Sons

3. Space shuttle

4. Cam Newton

5. Awkward

NY Post hot topics

1. Sharon Stone brief trip to hosp.

2. Schools dispense morning-after pills

3. Woman raped in park