
Chill factor

Demi Moore

Demi Moore (AP)

Most popular songs

1. Gangnam Style, PSY

2. I Knew You Were in Trouble, Taylor Swift

3. Skyfall, Adele

4. One More Night, Maroon 5

5. Some Nights, fun.

6. We Are Never, Ever Getting …, Taylor Swift

7. Live While We’re Young, One Direction

8. Die Young, Kesha

9. Red, Taylor Swift

10. Diamonds, Rihanna

Tivo favorites

1. Modern Family, The Butler’s Escape

2. The Big Bang Theory

3. NFL: Packers vs. Texans

4. The Good Wife

5. Presidential debate

Top video downloads

1. Freefall from the edge of space

2. Black marlin jumpsin boat

3. Obama-Romney debate

4. Austin Rehkow field goal

5. StuntFreaksTeam

Google trends

1. Orionid meteor shower

2. Bruno Mars SNL

3. Braxton Miller hospitalized

4. Whitney Heichel

5. Halloween treat

NY Post hot topics

1. Demi, Ashton cash clash

2. No more miss nice girls

3. Bruno Mars SNL

4. Man killed trying to stop fight

5. Shooting at Milwaukee mall