US News

Casey Anthony trial ‘botched’

Damning computer evidence that might have put Casey Anthony behind bars for the murder of her daughter was overlooked during her trial, according to a bombshell report.

Prosecutors never even saw the evidence — a computer search on how to kill someone with poison and suffocation — even though Anthony’s defense team had seen it, and fully expected it to come up during the Florida mom’s 2011 trial for the July 2008 murder of little Caylee Anthony, whom the state claimed died of those same causes.

Casey was acquitted at trial.

“We were waiting for the state to bring it up,” Anthony lawyer José Baez told Orlando television station WKMG. “And when they didn’t, we were kind of shocked.”

“We were keeping it close to the vest and ready to counter-punch [but] it never came out.”

A Sheriff’s Office snafu kept the information from getting to prosecutors, officials admitted yesterday.

Instead, it was an investigation by two citizen investigators and a WKMG news team that led to the stunning new revelation.

Their investigation showed that on the afternoon of Caylee’s death, June 16, 2008, someone searched the term “fool-proof suffocation,” misspelling the last word as “suffication,” on the Anthony family’s computer.

The user then searched a pro-suicide Web site for “foolproof” ways to die — and found the suggestion “poison yourself and then follow it up with suffocation” by placing “a plastic bag over the head.”

Baez had mentioned the computer searches in his post-trial book about the case but suggested they were conducted by Casey’s heartsick father, George Anthony, looking for ways to kill himself after his granddaughter died in the family pool.

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