Weird But True

Weird but true

Call it revenge of the turkeys.

A flock of wild turkeys in Brookline, Mass., has been attacking vehicles, homes and people.

“Some people going to work have been chased,’’ said animal-control officer Pierre Verrier.

Armed with a tennis racket, he goes to the local high school every morning to protect the kids from the real-life angry birds.


Speaking of turkeys . . .

An ice-cream store in Wellton, Ariz., had a special menu for Thanksgiving.

It served holiday-themed flavors, including cranberry, pumpkin pie, sweet potato and — of course — turkey.

“If you don’t want to cook on Thanksgiving, you can come here and get it all in ice cream,’’ said owner Nindi Wadhwa.


There’s gold in them thar air-conditioning units.

A Sacramento, Calif., heating and air-conditioning company says its employees, assigned to a job in an older home, stumbled on some $300,000 worth of gold dust hidden in 12 baby- food jars.


While we’re on the subject . . .

A Japanese jewelry store is selling an-all gold revolving Christmas tree decorated with solid-gold Disney ornaments, including Mickey Mouse, Tinkerbell and Cinderella.

The $4.2 million tree is nearly 8 feet high and made of 88 pounds of pure gold.


If you’ve always wanted to visit Sandy Island, a remote atoll between Australia and New Caledonia, you’re going to be very disappointed.

It has appeared on world maps and nautical charts for at least a decade — but up until now, nobody actually bothered to take a look at it.

A group of Australian professors finally took a 25-day voyage to the “island,’’ and found nothing but open sea.

No one can figure out how the phantom island made its way onto maps.