
Chill Factor

Lindsay Lohan


Most popular songs

1. Gangnam Style, PSY

2. Diamonds, Rihanna

3. Locked Out of Heaven, Bruno Mars

4. Die Young, Kesha

5. One More Night, Maroon 5

6. LittleThings, One Direction

7. Skyfall, Adele

8. Ho Hey, The Lumineers

9. I Cry, Flo Rida

10. We Are Never, Ever …,Taylor Swift

Tivo favorites

1. The Big Bang Theory

2. 60 Minutes

3. NFL Football: Ravens vs. Steelers

4. The Good Wife

5. Two and a Half Men

Top video downloads

1. Australians abuse girl

2. World’s biggest pile of leaves

3. Thanksgiving care package — epic meal

4. Jack Taylor scores 138 points

5. Long drive champ Jamie Sadlowski

Google trends

1. Powerball

2. Manti Te’o

3. Small Business Saturday

4. Larry Hagman

5. Kohl’s

NY Post hot topics

1. Stewart Rahr’s world of fun and fights

2. RFK Jr. wife death probe

3. LiLo pays homage to ‘Liz and Dick’

4. NY gets $27M for Sandy cleanup

5. JetBlue flight attendant arrested