
Another NY overreach?

New York pols are launching a major blitz for some $33 billion in federal aid — but a related plea, for $9 billion, could put their entire ask at some risk.

Let’s hope they know what they’re doing.

On Monday, Gov. Cuomo cited a need for $32.8 billion for “recovery” efforts — to restore the state to where it was, pre-Sandy.

But Cuomo wants another $9.1 billion for “prevention/mitigaton” measures — “to make sure this doesn’t happen again or lessen the impact if it does,” he says.

Those funds would go for “flood protection” for subways, sewer-treatment plants, key roads, the World Trade Center site and other areas — and also for back-up generator upgrades for hospitals and such.

There’s obvious logic in taking preventive steps to save lives and lower recovery costs when future storms strike.

Following other disasters, like Hurricane Katrina, Washington spent billions to better protect the areas in question.

But Cuomo & Co. sure are taking a big risk.

Because the idea of using federal dollars for essentially local capital needs puts the entire endeavor in a whole new ballpark.

Does anyone seriously think, after all, that DC aid won’t come with strings?

Federal cash means federal rules.

And oversight.

More important, New York will have to make a case that it’s special.

It will have to convince the nation that it deserves extra protection before other storm-exposed areas — from Maine’s northern-most shores to Texas’ Gulf coast.

And it’s not like DC lawmakers are known for their intense love of funding New York. (Remember the endless fights over federal anti-terror cash?)

And who can blame them?

After 9/11, then-Gov. George Pataki’s embarrassing demands for $54 billion in federal funds — for projects like a “high-speed rail” system to Schenectady — only reinforced the nation’s image of New York pols as profligate moochers.

Meantime, fiscal-cliff talks are under way in Washington, and Congress is looking to trim costs — not add new ones.

So here’s the risk: Cuomo’s $9 billion in upgrades could well fuel resentment, and sour lawmakers on his $33 billion in otherwise-legitimate recovery costs.

Leaving New Yorkers up a storm-tossed river without a proverbial paddle.

Yes, Sandy whacked the New York region — and yes, Americans will come to its aid.

But let’s be honest: The pols have a truly heavy lift ahead of them.

They shouldn’t needlessly complicate matters.