
Chill factor

Most popular songs

1. Gangnam Style, PSY

2. Scream and Shout, Will.I.Am

3. My Life, 50 Cent

4. Locked Out of Heaven, Bruno Mars

5. Home, Phillip Phillips

6. Ho Hey, The Lumineers

7. Diamonds, Rihanna

8. Die Young, Kesha

9. I Cry, Flo Rida

10. Girl on Fire (Inferno Version), Alicia Keys


Tivo favorites

1. The Big Bang Theory

2. 60 Minutes

3. NFL Football: Eagles vs. Cowboys

4. NFL Football: Steelers vs. Ravens

5. The Good Wife

Top video downloads

1. Farmer style [Gangnam parody]

2. Fiscal cliff [The Simpsons]

3. Watch 25,000 bears fly

4. Girl with her cat on treadmill

5. Can Texas secede?

Source: YouTube

Google trends

1. Pacquiao

2. Johnny Manziel

3. Jerry Brown

4. Bo Jackson

5. Hanukkah

Searches that have increased significantly.

NY Post hot topics

1. The Rolling Bones

2. LAPD apologizes to B.I.G. kin

3. Dodgers replace Yanks as spenders

4. Noisy app vexes ‘Anarchist’ crowd

5. Jamie Foxx SNL