
MTA rolling out its final fare-hike plan

Straphangers will pay $112 for a monthly MetroCard — up $8 from the current price — under the MTA’s final proposed fare-hike plan, sources told The Post.

The plan, getting its finishing touches before it’s presented to the entire MTA board next Wednesday, also includes a $2.50 base subway fare — a 25-cent increase from the current $2.25 — and a weekly MetroCard that would cost $30, a dollar more than riders pay now.

Bowing to pressure from riders, the MTA has scrapped plans to completely ax the popular pay-per-ride-bonus, which is currently 7 percent on purchases more than $10.

While the revamped bonus will likely be less than 7 percent, the good news is it will kick in on smaller purchases, possibly as low as $5 (the cost of a round-trip fare with the new $2.50 base rate), sources said.

Lowering the buy-in rate for the bonus would help low-income riders, who tend to purchase rides in small amounts because they can’t afford to pay a lot up front, sources said.

That was a concern for several board members, one source said.

The new plan is different from the four proposals the agency released in October — but features some similar ideas.

Those proposals included a monthly MetroCard that cost a jaw-dropping $125, an astronomically high price — largely absorbed by working New Yorkers — that was as unpopular with board members as it was with the riders, sources said.

That plan would have kept the base fare at $2.25.

Tourists and other occasional users of the system are among those who are more apt to choose the single-ride option.

“That [plan with the $125 monthly MetroCard] isn’t happening,” a source said.

Most subway trips — 85 percent — are made on the discounted or unlimited-ride cards, thanks to the 7 percent bonus, transit officials have said.

The other 15 percent are made on MetroCard purchases of less than $10 — which receive no discount — or on single-ride tickets.

The MTA, which has come under fire for proposed rate increases, has said it will launch a marketing campaign to teach riders how to pay the least amount of money for the greatest number of excursions.

Officials say the program should help riders get the most bang for their buck — given that scores are buying MetroCards that are more expensive than necessary for them.

The education program will likely begin after the latest fare hike goes into effect.

Another aspect of the final plan that’s still being hammered out involves discounts for Staten Island residents who use the Verrazano Bridge.

Staten Island residents who sign up for the resident-discount plan currently pay $5.76 a trip.

The MTA’s October fare-hike plan had called for $15 for cash-paying motorists — up from an already exorbitant $13 — and an increase to $6.36 for Staten Island residents.

But a transit source said officials are working to lower that proposed toll for Staten Islanders. That price decrease for those motorists would likely lead to higher tolls on other MTA bridges and tunnels.

Any hikes voted on by the MTA’s 15-member board will go into effect in March.