Fashion & Beauty

Duckie Brown

The Who: Any guy who’s ever been on the Sartorialist was present, plus a really cute little boy wearing suspenders. Didn’t catch his name.

The What: It never gets old watching the Duckies issue a kindly f*** you to the menswear suit-n-tie canon. This collection was about inversion — short jackets over long jackets, innerwear outsizing outerwear — all of it a plausible call for men to think differently about how clothes layer the body, and at the very least a demonstration on how to warp standards into something more intriguing. And then, quite literally, there were beautiful backwards coats.

The Highlight: Halfway through the show the music stopped! Leaving the poor audience confused, then alarmed, disquieted by a symphony of camera clicks, and finally captivated by the melodrama. As if the clothes weren’t providing enough of their own: separates with exaggerated silhouettes — some in fun spurts of red, pink, and electric blue — top the want list.

The Takeaway: The clothes were smarter than me. Once again, well played.