Fashion & Beauty

N. Hoolywood

The Who: Street style magnet Philip Crangi was there, along with people who hang out in and around Opening Ceremony and Japanese imports wearing expensive-looking shoes.

The What: Staged in an industrial bunker space in no-man’s-land near the river, the show (titled “Lost Star”) presented a runway streaming with Amelia Earhart-inspired menswear. Lace-up ankle boots, shearling trapper caps and other aviation elements got an update while the overall fusion of white and blue collar characteristics made for charming juxtapositions. A tie for your boiler suit, sir?

The Highlight: A female model — the “Amelia” — made a few turns down the runway, holding her own with the boys. It was expected and, since executed perfectly, most appreciated.

The Takeaway: The clothes seemed timeless in that well-constructed, this-could-be-handmade kind of way; perfect for men who like clothes with history, clothes that tell a story. The showing managed “classic” without being “dusty,” plus vaudevillian house beats blasting from the ceiling had everyone about to get low doing the Charleston. ‘Twas a rip-roaring good time.