Fashion & Beauty

Shorts Story

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“My wife was giving me a hard time when I left the house this morning. Said I looked like grandpa. If you are revealing testicles, then it’s too short. But otherwise, why shouldn’t guys be able to wear shorts as short as girls?”— Nicolas Carr, 31, East Village BRIAN BRANCH PRICE
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In my neighborhood, it’s provocative to wear this outfit on the street, but here in Williamsburg it’s normal. I think of it as the neo-preppy idea, where you are trying to be subversive and funny at the same time. I’m gay myself, but a lot of straight guys dress like this, too. They like that it puts more attention on the booty.” — Jose Germosen, 33, Washington Heights BRIAN BRANCH PRICE
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“People in New York have much better style than people in the Netherlands; here, everyone looks straight out of a magazine. As long as your legs are skinny, short shorts look great on both guys and girls.” — Francesco Bellini, 26, Amsterdam BRIAN BRANCH PRICE
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“It’s all about being cool and comfortable. I don’t think I could get them much shorter than this. It wouldn’t be physically possible.”— David Smith, 26, East Village BRIAN BRANCH PRICE